Attention all KSEB customers who get excessive bill ..
One of the phenomena you often encounter in life is that the electricity bill in any one month doubles or triples from normal. As soon as we go to the KSEB office they show us our unit calculations and claim we have used. In the end, the officials will give you some advice. Sometimes the electricity goes to the ground.
When we get back home, the children and wife in the house get into an argument for using too much electricity and they blame you in return. Finally we call the electrician and check if there is a power leak. After checking and announcing a decision to the electorate everything is OK.
The bill will remain the same from next month
What is really going on here?
The average electricity bill in my house is Rs.800 and the price is 230 to 240 units. But this time Bill 2700 came out. All the above happened in the KSEB office and the decision was made. The electricity may be going to the earth. Sir, go home and check. But I did not leave. I started working with paper and pen. That is when I realized the depth of KSEB's deception.
He overthrew them and confessed. When it comes to meter readings, the meter should run on battery when there is no current. But most of the meter battery in the state is also damaged. Then the billing worker who sees nothing on the digital meter will do what he is taught. The employee will be given the option of Door Locked (House Closed) in the Bill Mission in KSEB's Billing Software. He hits the consumer number.
Then there are two types of information that will come into their hands - one is the previous reading (the old reading i.e. April 19 according to my last bill) and the second is the current reading (ie June 23). The person who reads the meter locks the door and does nothing at the current meter reading (column of June 23) and instead pays the bill for the same amount as the previous month, taking into account our average consumption.
The event is over. When we get the same amount in April as in June, then we will not feel any abnormality. It may not actually be our door lock. According to the KSEB rules.
Leave the dog at home,
The meter reading should be locked so that the worker cannot access it.
Otherwise keep the gate of the house locked
The explanation for the door lock.
However, if the meter reads when there is no power (if the battery inside the meter does not work) the reading will not be possible. In fact, the customer will not be liable only if the category of faulty meter is included. When it comes to door locks, the penalty is the customer.
That means we are losing government subsidies. In case KSEB is unable to take the reading due to the problem, the billing worker returns to the office by giving the spot bill as the logic of last month's bill average usage. The door lock bill information provided by this section is transferred to the Suspense section of the Software by the Section Office Officer. KSEB recommends updating the reading manual equivalent to the bill issued to the customer. This is not done intentionally because this post is to check whether it is a corporate conspiracy of KSEB or a problem in my section and they will erase all the suspense data in the next billing cycle i.e. this month.
Using the option that there is no power or the meter is not working on the battery will affect the performance of the section office. Also, if the faulty meter is an option, KSEB will have to fix it. The time it takes and other things will affect the performance so with all this the door lock option is to bring the poor customer to the head. Let me explain my home now
My usage here is 723 units (i.e. from 19th April to 24th August) which is actually my four month consumption. In the meanwhile the meter was read.
the fault meter was read and the door was locked. The rate was calculated in its name. I missed government subsidies. Also, in the logic of Average Consumption, KSEB got the money I paid for free.
For example, if our consumption is 250 units, our unit bill is Rs. 750 if the price of one unit is Rs. If our bill is calculated as KSEB's telescopic calculation system, 250 units will cost Rs.750 and the next one unit will cost Rs.754. But if it is a customer penalty issue like door lock then 251 X 4 = Rs 1004.Is not clear?
That is (example calculation) 723 units for 4 months at 500 (250 + 250) units at Rs.3 and 223 units at Rs.4 i.e. 1500+ 892 = 2392 rupees My bill is 2701 rupees out of which 409 rupees on average logic I paid 860 rupees total last month to me 860 + 409 = 1269 rupees. So those who are convinced by reading this should spread it to the public. Consumer consciousness is better than consumer law. All in all, the staff at Ulikkal KSEB office are very polite. It was the zeal they showed that made me understand the point there
Useful.Kerala What to do: Be aware and respond to KSEB's unscientific option of 'Door lock'.
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Posted On :
June 13, 2020
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