The growing number of patients with covid-19 disease and the reported covid-mortality rate are worrying. (Again, only reported figures; the actual figures may be higher than reported). And this morning, some of you may be heard about a WhatsApp voice message of a government medical officer from Kalamassery Government Medical College; that they openly admit that many lives have been lost due to medical malpractice.
At the same time, we have to read the two covid-19 death cases, that reported and such indifference and unhealthy practices happening in some parts of our covid-19 defense. The concern caused by such news is very important.
About ‘ Our Own Responsibility?! ’
So what we need to do in this situation is to remember that our sole responsibility for preserving our lives when we are sick/ illness or in taking quarantine in hospitals.
While considering these facts, ‘making and spreading of fake messages’ are serious offense. Do not believe this kind of news which spread only on Social Medias and make it sick or threaten our life or aggravating the disease. Covid-19 symptoms are different for each patient. Keep in mind that with the exception of some general remedies and treatments, are common to all, the rest of different treatment also given to those covid-19 patients is about their own illnesses.
Beware of Fake News and Treatments.
Beware of fake therapies, drugs, and preventative measures that flying around on social media. Some of the Covid-19 patients are also mislead by private hospitals by getting an opportunity to experimenting new drugs/medicines in this present situation.
Those who are being treated in Quarantine Centers as patients should at least enquire about; why they are being given these kind of medicines and do not forget to inform details about those medicines to their family/relatives. Feel free to ask our Government healthcare professionals if such medications are needed on Covid-19 treatment (I’m arguing this because only from my experience).
Many private hospitals are experimenting with such drugs without informing relatives. If something goes wrong while this experiment, they informs as the usual refrain of ‘he/she has many other serious health issues’.
Therefore, each of us should take care about the health of our family seriously. Ask about the illness and present situation of our house members in the quarantine centers regularly. Remember that it is only our responsibility for caring our own family members. If we have a disease which is related to any of the covid-19 symptom, do not show any reluctance, in reporting the case to Government officials. Perhaps our self-medication is likely to make our health worse.
Follow only the instructions given by the official medias/Newspapers and government agencies. Reject information from fake doctors and other messages from fake groups in social media. To find out the true status of the Covid-19 preventive actions and better caring, call the Dhisha helpline number '1056' or contact officials under the District Health Department.